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Meet Martha: our Front of House manager

Martha Feeley-Isaksen is our front of house manager. When we open next week, she’ll be the person answering your questions, greeting clients and taking bookings.

In this quick Q&A, find out more about her new role… Tell us a bit more about your previous experience

I have worked in the service and hospitality industry since I was 15, so I have very much grown as a person within this sector. I have had roles in various settings, making my way from store assistant to bartender and eventually manager. My degree is in events management which serves me well with project management tasks. My passion has always centered around business-related operations, however, so when this role came along with a mixture of the two it seemed a perfect fit.

What will your role at Empire House entail?

My role at Empire House will be helping you as a member, tenant or client with the use of our facilities. I will be orchestrating the day-to-day running of Empire House and making sure that we are always finding new and improved ways of offering our services to you.

Why were you attracted to the role?

I was attracted to the role because of the flexibility it offered, from building relationships with members and suppliers to developing my operational skills, it has already proved extremely insightful. I was also attracted to the fact it is a new business, the chance to work on something from its inception and witness it grow was very appealing to me.

What’s been the best bit of the last few months here? Is there anything you’ve learned?

I have learned a lot, even in just these past few months. I already feel I have gained invaluable experience in everything from office management and business generation to fostering client or supplier relationships. It has been great seeing just what goes into renovating a previous town hall and all the character that comes with it.

What are you most looking forward to when we open?

When we open I am most looking forward to being able to welcome people into the building and letting them see what the team has worked so hard on over these past few months. I am especially intrigued to use our new booking and community software Bisner ; I would also be lying if I didn’t mention I was looking forward to a celebratory cocktail when the bar is open! Most importantly I am looking forward to watching the business expand and hopefully build a positive community of like-minded professionals here in Slaithwaite.

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