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Women In Business interview: Amy Byram

Amy Byram, personal branding and small business consultant, and founder of Empire House

Amy Byram, founder of Empire House


  • Name three women who inspire you

My nana, who passed away in December. She grew up one of nine siblings and had nine children herself. She epitomised the word ‘matriarch’ and I think of her when I need to remember what I’m made of.

The founder of SheerLuxe, Georgie Coleridge Cole. SheerLuxe is a hugely successful digital lifestyle magazine for women. They have carved a niche and aren’t afraid to do things differently. Their social media reminds me of The Devil Wears Prada, but a much kinder version. I have always loved magazines, so I admire Georgie for achieving what she has.

The online Pilates teacher, Bryony Deery. She’s built an amazing, authentic personal brand.

  • Which woman would you most like to meet?

Kate, Princess of Wales. She seems like an incredible person.

  • What can be done to encourage women in their careers?

I have grown in confidence during my career, but I haven’t always been. I think more should be done to teach girls in schools that they can do whatever they put their minds to.

Your early teens are such formative years for your personality, and it’s often the internal beliefs that you have then that shape your future.

  • What’s your best piece of advice to other women starting a business?

Don’t be afraid to be yourself! You can take inspiration from others, but ultimately, what makes you unique is your power. Play on your strengths!

  • Is there anything women should stop doing to further their careers?

Stop worrying what others think of you. If you want to go for something but you’re worried about what your acquaintances think, then just go for it. Worry about it later if you want to, but the chances are that by the time you’ve done it, it won’t even cross your mind.

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